Friday, January 18, 2013

Rereading the classics

Today, while listening to NPR, I caught a segment about the book, Practical Classics: 50 Reasons to Reread 50 Books You Haven't Touched Since High School. The author, Kevin Smokler discussed what this process was like, and how you can take away something completely different from these books a second or third time around.

I recently reread To Kill a Mockingbird and I hadn't read that book since 7th grade. Perfect timing, because a student I was tutoring happened to be reading To Kill a Mockingbird for class and I was able to go to work and discuss the book with the student. How lucky was that? I did have a deeper appreciation for this book the second time around, and it got me thinking about what other books I want to reread. Thankfully, I have a Goodreads account and I can continue to add books to my "To Read" list as I think of them.

Some of the books I would like to reread are:

The Great Gatsby (before the new movie hits theaters!)

Cold Mountain (ok, not quite a classic yet, but I had to read this book my senior year of high school)

I'm sure I will be adding more to this list!

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