Sunday, January 24, 2010

Needing a Change

Second week of work and boy have I been feeling tired! I'm still having a hard time adjusting to the change in my schedule and having a daily routine. Eating poorly, not exercising, not really doing much besides work, sleep, and watching TV. I'm thinking it's time for a change. Time to transition into exercising this week, becoming conscious of what I'm eating, and making it a point to go and do something fun each week. Or at least planning fun things!

This weekend was actually a really good one though. Relaxed at home on Friday night. Had a delicious dinner and wine night with family and friends Saturday. And today visited with my friend Jiyoung who was in town-shopping, lunch, and movies. It's a little easier to transition into the work week when you feel like you've made the most of your weekend. Though I can't say I'm thrilled about facing the busy office!

photo via eightmag

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