Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rainy Sunday

I love rainy Sundays. I think the earth is clean and renewed for a start of a new week and it gives you some time to just slow down. I love watching movies on Sunday so this afternoon I'm viewing "Man in the Moon." I work tonight, so I'm getting my relaxation in early.

This week was a nice week.
-spent some time with family when I tutored my cousin on Monday
-getting more of the swing of the things at work, almost ready to tutor on my own
-spent a beautiful day outdoors doing some of my work training-gorgeous late summer weather!
-did some book store browsing with my mom and ran into my aunt and uncle, which was a nice surprise-we ended up talking for about half an hour!
-ate delicious blueberry muffins this Sunday morning with my mom and Carl

photo from here

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